Wheeler Centre event: https://www.wheelercentre.com/events/the-sound-of-cancer
The Sound of Cancer is a collaborative project with Barking Spider Theatre, Patrick Humbert (LaTrobe University Melbourne) Sonic State Design - a multidisciplinary approach interrogating cancer, specifically Melanoma.
I developed the SonoGene module as an interactive means of articulating the process of Melanoma in seven discrete phases from Melanocyte (Healthy Cells) to Apoptosis (Death of Cancer Cells.)
The Sound of Cancer: SonoGene module translates genetic behaviour in these discrete phases into sound and moving image, each cell is represented by a single voice of a purpose built 250 voice synthesiser. The sonic output of the SonoGene module is expressed as a spectrogram, allowing the data to be both visualised and sonified.
The SonoGene module was developed using MaxMSP.