Dropped into Ned Rush‘s More Kicks Than Friends live stream to demo and perform a generative Max For Live device that uses the Twitter API and Node For Max to create MIDI clips in Ableton Live in real time.
I'm an audio programmer, data scientist, grad researcher and media artist from Melbourne, Australia. I specialise in DSP and interactive coding for sound design across a wide array of platforms.
1 min read
Getting started with RNBO & Raspberry Pi @ MESS
Jay Curtis / lysdexic (Max Certified Trainer) & Tom Hall (Cycling '74) will lead you through setting up a Raspberry Pi for the first time to work with RNBO, and how to use the GPIO pins to add controls and sensors for making your own standalone synthesizer running RNBO with controls.
1 min read
The Sound of Cancer : SonoGene Module (2017)
The Sound of Cancer is a collaborative multidisciplinary group interrogating cancer, specifically Melanoma. I developed the SonoGene module as an interactive means of articulating the process of Melanoma in seven discrete phases from Melanocyte (Healthy Cells) to Apoptosis (Death of Cancer Cells.)
4 min read
Using a Gyroscope + Accelerometer module with RNBO on the RPi
An IMU is a common module to use with microcontrollers for measuring tilt and rotation. They're small and are perfect for use in wearable technology and robotics projects. In this article we'll use an MPU6050 with the i2c protocol and get it talking to our RNBO patcher on the Raspberry Pi.